It sounds like a little ditty you might hum under your breath, right? Just a harmless little tune. Maybe you're humming it whilst walking up the path to your front door, knowing you're about to see your sweetheart or your children, or you're whistling under your breath as you walk into a favourite bar to meet good friends after a long, hard week.
But, what is doing, and what is being? How does one tell the difference between the two? And what on earth do they mean?
As we get into this phantasmagorical world of nothingness and stillness that Yoga practice offers us, it's imperative that we understand a few things, and define a few things. It's all about the things.
Yoga practice is all about doing. We could say that yoga practice puts us in control of ourselves; body, mind and spirit. These incredible teachings that stretch back into ancient history help us move towards a final goal of liberation from all of our suffering. First we must take command of our bodies with postures, control our desires through the social and personal restraints called the yamas and niyamas, and then control our breath, our senses and ultimately, our mind thus taming our humanness into utter perfection and complete stillness and presence.
Have you ever met a perfect person? I'm not sure I have. I've met some pretty amazing teachers over the years and some people that have a certain something, a certain je ne sais quoi about them; a presence if you like. And in that way they are perfect. But a perfect person? Person implies an identity, an ego, and where there's an ego, there's defences. And where there's defences there's resistance. And where there is resistance there is suffering. So perfecting one's self is a path and a goal; for some people it works out very nicely thank you very much. But I don't think I will ever be perfect in an ego sense of the word, and I'm not sure I want to be.
What am I talking about? I'm taking about 'being'. Have you ever wandered off of a path into the trees on a sunny day, lay down on your back and looked up at the blue sky? Have you ever sat in nature and been absorbed by its beauty? A sunset? The sea? Have you ever been captivated by beautiful music where, for a moment, there is nothing but the sound? This is what I'm pointing to when I talk of being. The funny thing is, on the surface, fleetingly, it's such a simple experience that we can all have it. We might even be looking for something more profound or obvious but really, those moments when we feel at ease, when our worries are far from our mind, when we feel content and we are enjoying the present moment; these are times of ‘Being’. Simple. Easy. No special measures needed. No standing on your head for 13 hours straight. No endless sun salutations or strain in your lower back.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love how wonderfully present Hatha Yoga can make me feel. I practice it every day and have done for years. For me it has been a lifeline and an essential part of my daily experience. It's a beautiful thing. But where does it end?
Let's think for a moment about our culture. You've been brought up in a society that is largely morally based and success is measured by achievement. Put in plain English, many of us have a good sense of wanting to be 'good' (whatever that is) and wanting to be successful. No wonder Hatha Yoga has such appeal. We get to do all of our striving and achieving and get some stillness at the end of it. Or at least reduced stress levels and an energised body. But when does it stop? What are the limits? When does all of this just take you away from enjoying the moment?
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
What is the ‘wisdom to know the difference’ in the serenity prayer? For me, and in the context of this dialogue, it’s about becoming more and more accepting. Being wise is welcoming life, just as it is, and welcoming yourself, just as you are. Being wise is learning to ‘be’. Simple.
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