Monday, 9 January 2012

The Power Of Intention

As a New Year arrives, we may well find ourselves, either consciously or unconsciously, setting intentions that help us map out our plans for the year. At this time of Year, I see many new or returning faces to my Yoga classes; people who have found motivation from the excesses of the holiday season and have new and strong determination to be fitter, healthier and look after themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in the New Year. Great.

Is it? The problem that I see, year in year out, is that by Valentines Day (at best) some of those faces stop appearing in classes and I am left with those that managed to work through this pattern years ago, and just keep coming to class (good for them!). Whilst this initially strong determination gives the practitioner of Yoga something called Tapas, or ‘a burning desire’, the fires soon dwindle. Why? Well, there are always multiple factors to consider but some of the time, new regimes of health and fitness are just that, regimes.

2011 wasn’t a good year for regimes. I’m guessing the same for 2012. Nobody likes a dictator.

It’s important to remember that our aim and goal in Yoga practice is to find peace and equanimity, always. Wars don’t create peace. Self-love, kindness and self-acceptance must swoop in to temper these moments of tapas, lest the fire will surely be blown out.

For me, if I make intentions that are realistic and heartfelt (not head driven) I have a nice time on my Mat, and I keep getting it out. If I use my intentions as a stick to beat myself, I generally give up, feel discouraged and unmotivated.

So, as you set your New Years intentions, remember, don't leave me lonely on Valentines day!

Stay well and happy


1 comment:

  1. If we were in London, we would not leave you alone on Valentine's Day! Brilliant post James. Love, Ron and Ron
